What is life coaching?

What is life coaching?

A strategic partnership between the life coach and client provides clear direction, honest feedback, and accountability to reach a specific goal.
— Better You Coaching Solutions LLC
Life coaches are not consultants providing technical expertise or opinions; we are not counselors examining why someone is exhibiting certain behaviors. Coaches are somewhere in between!
— Better You Coaching Solutions LLC
Life coaching focuses on HOW to make behavioral changes to achieve a specific goal. Counseling focuses on WHY a person is exhibiting certain behaviors.
— Better You Coaching Solutions LLC

Which type of coaching do you need?

Let’s Create a plan that works for you…

We have over a decade of experience coaching individuals and couples and 7+ years leading group seminars and classes for organizations. We can customize a solution strategy that will meet your needs. If you stick to our program and do not quit, we GUARANTEE improved results in your life! Schedule an appointment to begin living the life you deserve!